Be your own therapist.

We are a digital mental health initiative providing evidence-based and culturally-adapted therapy services. Registration for our Stress & Anxiety Management for Students course is now open!

Our international programs

Explore our culturally-adapted and translated therapy programs for other language speakers.

Психічне здоров’я та стресостійкість для українців
The Wellbeing & Resilience Program for Ukrainians

Our partners

التدخل لمنع الانتحار للسوريين

The Suicide Prevention Program for Syrians

Our partners

In the news

Stay up-to-date with the latest research, stats and trends on student mental health

During the 2020-2021 school year, more than 60% of college students met the criteria for at least one mental health problem.

According to 91% of surveyed college students, stress or anxiety are the most common ways that COVID-19 has impacted their lives.

1 in 3 college students experiences significant depression and anxiety.

Graduate students are over 3 times more likely than the average American to experience mental health disorders and depression.

64% of students drop out of college because of mental health problems.